Thursday, November 29, 2012

Copywriting Tips To Use When Writing Sales Copy For Your Ebook

When it comes to marketing your eBook online, you should know that it takes more than just creating a product to make it profitable. There are many things that you need to do if you want to have success with marketing your eBook successfully on the internet. One of those things is creating a very good sales page.

With a well written sales letter, you will boost the chances of having someone buy from your website. You can hire a copywriter to write one for you, but be prepared to pay $5,000 - $10,000 plus royalties for this kind of option. Or you can use a "swipe file" and emulate the ads that you see in there.

Now when I say "emulate", I don't mean copy word for word. Use it simply as a guide when creating your own sales letter, and follow the gist and consistency of the sales letter as it is written. This is a great place to start if you know nothing about writing sales copy and writing sales letters online.

When people arrive at your website, they could care less about who you are, where you're from, or why they should listen to you. It's the job of your sales letter to answer to all of these doubts, and the best place to address these doubts is in the headline of your sales letter.

Your headline is what it's all about. Because if your headline doesn't tell your reader what's in it for them, they will just leave - never to return. So make sure you create a headline that is attention getting, compelling, attractive, effective, and benefit-oriented if you want your prospects to read the rest of your sales letters.

What I'm trying to teach you here in this lesson is something that can't be mastered overnight. I once heard a guy say that you have to put your 10,000 hours in if you want to become an excellent copywriter. Now the guy who said this, is a guy by name of Gary Halbert. In my opinion, he's the best copywriter who has ever lived.

Halbert's insights on direct marketing online and copywriting are so intriguing that it's the reason why I visit his website everyday for more copywriting inspiration. You should visit his site also if you want to learn some sales letter and copywriting skills that you need for your website. Don't take this lightly, because his information is one of a kind, and it's something that I think you can benefit from if you got your hands on his lessons. (and by the way, it's free).

Writing the sales copy for your eBook can either be made easy, or either be made hard. Take the shortcut easy route... you'll earn money quicker, and you'll keep your sanity. Selling your eBook is more than just product creation. If you can lead a lot of people to your website where they can purchase your ebook, you'll be in good shape due to the awesome copywriting job that you did on the eBook sales page.

Take these tips and use them to earn money with your ebooks today.

Good luck with making money with your eBook sales page today.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

A Personal Story of Making Money With E-Books

How many times have thought about having your own business, but didn't know what to do? Well, I used to be the guy that always had the desire to try something new but didn't know what where to start and what to sell.

And then my life changed. My boss told me that he needed to cut my hours in half because of the bad economy. That's when I decided to supplement my income selling e-books. When I first started I didn't know how easy or how difficult selling e-books would be, but I really didn't have a choice. I needed income and I needed to sell something that I could get my hands on for practically nothing.

I had a few friends who had started their own businesses and all them had to create LLCs and other structures. While I thought that was important, I really didn't have time or the funds to create an entirely new business. I needed something that I could start selling right away.

So, I started looking at resell rights to e-books and jumped right in. I thought long and hair about this, because with a young family at home depending on me, I couldn't fail. I need things to work.

Because I had a decent email list of friends and family, I took advantage of that and sent them an email explaining my situation and telling them that I am selling eBooks and gave them by link.

Within 24 hours, I had my first dozen sales and it was all profit because I didn't even have my website completely set up yet. The start of reselling e-books gave me two very important lessons.

The first lesson is that reselling e-books could be very profitable and that having an email list or building an email list would be essential to continue selling e-books. This is a perfect time to resell e-books because every day thousands and thousands of people are switching over to iPads, Kindles, and other devices where they can read eBooks.

Today, it is super easy to find e-books with resell rights and buy them for relative little price and start making profits right away. It's been over a year now, and I am making nearly double what I was making at my old job and working one-third of the time. What I love about reselling e-books is that I don't have to depend on anyone else for helping me take care of my family.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   

How To Write An eBook To Build Passive Online Income For Years To Come

Writing an eBook can be a daunting experience when you are just getting started with your online business, but it doesn't have to be this way if you know how to begin. This is still the fastest way to create a product and have something to sell on the Internet. Before you get started you'll want to think about choosing an appealing title, setting up your outline, and putting up a blog to start collecting the names and email addresses of your prospects.

You may have heard the saying that a rose is still a rose, but by any other name it wouldn't smell as sweet. This is true for the title of your eBook as well. You want something that is catchy and easy to remember, but also one that has a good keyword phrase in it as well. Do some research using the free keyword tool available from Google, ask friends and business prospects what they think, and go over to Amazon to search for books on your topic. All of these techniques are excellent for choosing a title that will make people want to buy and read what you've written on your topic.

An outline is crucial to the eBook writing process. I learned this the hard way when I tried to just start writing in front of my blank computer screen the first time. Once I learned how to set up an outline with my key points and subtitles, it was simply a matter of filling in the blanks to get it written in less than two weeks. You can do the same exact thing.

I also recommend setting up a WordPress blog to start letting people know about you and your topic long before your eBook is finished and ready to sell. This will give you the exposure you need in the marketplace and allow you to start building a list of people who will be likely to buy when the time is right. Blogging also gives you a platform through which you are able to interact with your audience and to find out their questions and primary concerns on your topic. You may even end up adding to your writing when you find out what your prospects want and need from you in this way.

You can see that there is more to writing and marketing your eBook than you may have originally thought, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

The Advantages of E-Books

E-books have a wide range of advantages over paper books that cannot be ignored. First and foremost, they are far more cheaper to produce and can reach a much wider market than the hard copy books. Forget about the trade barriers! Anyone can get their book into any market without any restriction by the local governments. E-books are much more portable and far less bulky - thousands of books can be stored in a device like an iPad or Kindle.

Save space and Reduce Environment Impact

With space becoming a premium, especially in large cities, people scramble for all the extra space they can get. E-books are the perfect solution to this space issue, and many people have started replacing their entire collection of paper-and-ink books with digital versions. There is no longer any need to cover your walls with endless bookshelves or fill your basement with endless boxes. All you need is just a notebook-like device. It is very portable and easy to use. You can bring thousands of books anywhere you go! This also eliminates the need for paper, which is important with all of today's environmental concerns. Not only you save paper but you also save gas usage; there's no need to use your car or any transportation to go to a bookstore. Just sit and relax at home while browsing for a good book you can buy from the Internet.

Make your e-books readable

It is also extremely easy to manipulate the data in e-books by changing font colours, sizes and styles. Not only does this greatly reduce the cost of printing, it makes it much easier for those who have trouble seeing to read any book they like. No need to go on an endless search for a large-print version of a book, just click a button and resize the text. With the advancement of technology, the text can also be converted to audio with the help of a few different programs. While you can get audio versions of regular books, they are often difficult to find because they require someone to sit down in a recording room and read the book out loud.

No more wear and tear

There are books that you would read more than once and some of your book collection may be borrowed by a friend or relative which causes wear and tear. If you are extra careful with your books, you may also consider wrapping it with a plastic cover to preserve its brand new look. You don't have to worry about any of those with an e-book since it's stored in a device. Your book is always brand new!

Easy search of information

A regular book may have more than a hundred pages and if you want to find certain information you'll have to find it within those pages. Of course, it takes a lot of time, effort and patience. You will have to read through briefly in the pages just to find what you're looking for. With an e-book, just use the 'search' function of your device and in less than a minute you'll have what you need. It definitely saves you a lot of your precious time.

For authors, e-book publishing is fast becoming a popular channel, and it's a must-have for any author wishing to reach the largest possible audience. However, it should never be the only channel for reaching your customers, as the majority of book readers still prefer to use paper printed books.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Writing an eBook - The 5 Most Important Tips for Newbies   

Is an Email List Really Necessary To Succeed As An Online Marketer?

If you want to sell any products online, from e-books to affiliate products you might want to consider developing an email list. When starting out, many people ask themselves why build an email list in the first place? Well, the answer is pretty simple: emails increase sales and sales increases money in your pocket.

It doesn't matter if you are selling e-books or car stereos, building a relevant email list to people who have shown interest in your product, will be essential to conversions. Building an email list helps to establish a "relationship" with people that have already shown interest in what you have to offer. The second important reason is that an email list allows you resell newer e-book products that become available as time goes on. Each product allows you to generate more emails and solidify relationships with people.

Many people wonder how they would resell e-books. The answer again here is developing an email list. Writing an informative and effective email, with a "soft sell" offer embedded and that provides tips or advice on the subject related to your resell books, is one way to effectively increase your sales. It also may serve as a gentle reminder of products that your customers might need.

Aside from growing your email list online with your website and auto-responder, you can also generate and grow your email list off line too. For example, let's say you attend a convention, a seminar, or host a luncheon. You can have a sign up and email form placed on a table. Giving away prizes or freebies can entice people to give up their email for the prize.

Once you do that you can choose a single resell book or several and include them in your email. Reminding the recipient who you are will build instant credibility within your list. Fortunately, there are many great options for reselling books out there, which you can easily get help with that can help you grow your business.

Reselling e-books is fairly easy, because everyone needs content and information to solve their problems. If you provide a solution to people and create value by offering them an informative e-book, you can be sure that your sales will increase and your profits will be impressive. The great thing about resell e-books is that once you buy the rights, you can continue to sell them over and over again and keep all the profit.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

Ebook Marketing - A Good Plan For Success

Are you looking to create an ebook and sell it online? Well if you've done your research, you will see that it's harder to do so than what most people claim. Writing the ebook is easy, but marketing and selling it is the tough part. You can write a 100+ page ebook, but if you have no targeted prospects and a lack of traffic coming to your website, you will find that it's very hard to get sales.

In my personal opinion, if you want to see great sales with your ebook, you will have to focus on getting traffic. Traffic (or website traffic) refers to the amount of people visiting your website on a daily basis. Getting traffic can be easy, and it can also be hard... all depending on the niche that you are in.

You see in some niches, there are a lot of places where you can run ads. There is PPC advertising (pay per click), blog advertising, high traffic website advertising, and more. And depending on the niche, you will find that you are either limited in your paid advertising sources, or that you will find an abundance of places to promote your product at online.

Nevertheless, both has its pros and cons. If you're selling an ebook in a small, non-crowded niche, more than likely you will have limited venues to do paid advertising on - but the prices of these venues will be incredibly cheap. You could run an ad for around $30 for the whole month, and get great publicity for your product.

But if you're selling an ebook in a highly-competitive field, you will find that there are a ton of websites related to the ebook that you are selling, and that the advertising prices of these websites and blogs are very costly. Even if you do PPC, you will find that the average cost per click can start at $1 for your main keyword. So it all depends.

You will want to do the marketing homework necessary to promote your ebook online all over the place, and also throw some free marketing into the bunch also. You can get a ton of traffic to your website with a barrage of free marketing tactics, and it will also lower your average cost of acquiring a new customer via paid advertising.

Some of the most effective forms of free marketing are: forums, blogs, search engine optimization, YouTube, article marketing, and social marketing. The more you do free marketing using these tactics, the more traffic you will get, and the more profits you will earn since you didn't have to spend any money to get new sales.

Now free marketing is very effective, but it can take a while until you start to see it evolve into its prime potential. There are some business owners online who do no paid advertising and only do free marketing, and they are making a lot of money online selling their products.

You can do the same also. I would advise doing a mixture of paid advertising and free marketing, so that you can get the best of both worlds. Traffic is key, and with these 2 tactics combined... you can land yourself a ton of targeted traffic that can make your ebook very profitable.

Good luck with marketing your ebooks and selling them online.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

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