Thursday, November 29, 2012

Copywriting Tips To Use When Writing Sales Copy For Your Ebook

When it comes to marketing your eBook online, you should know that it takes more than just creating a product to make it profitable. There are many things that you need to do if you want to have success with marketing your eBook successfully on the internet. One of those things is creating a very good sales page.

With a well written sales letter, you will boost the chances of having someone buy from your website. You can hire a copywriter to write one for you, but be prepared to pay $5,000 - $10,000 plus royalties for this kind of option. Or you can use a "swipe file" and emulate the ads that you see in there.

Now when I say "emulate", I don't mean copy word for word. Use it simply as a guide when creating your own sales letter, and follow the gist and consistency of the sales letter as it is written. This is a great place to start if you know nothing about writing sales copy and writing sales letters online.

When people arrive at your website, they could care less about who you are, where you're from, or why they should listen to you. It's the job of your sales letter to answer to all of these doubts, and the best place to address these doubts is in the headline of your sales letter.

Your headline is what it's all about. Because if your headline doesn't tell your reader what's in it for them, they will just leave - never to return. So make sure you create a headline that is attention getting, compelling, attractive, effective, and benefit-oriented if you want your prospects to read the rest of your sales letters.

What I'm trying to teach you here in this lesson is something that can't be mastered overnight. I once heard a guy say that you have to put your 10,000 hours in if you want to become an excellent copywriter. Now the guy who said this, is a guy by name of Gary Halbert. In my opinion, he's the best copywriter who has ever lived.

Halbert's insights on direct marketing online and copywriting are so intriguing that it's the reason why I visit his website everyday for more copywriting inspiration. You should visit his site also if you want to learn some sales letter and copywriting skills that you need for your website. Don't take this lightly, because his information is one of a kind, and it's something that I think you can benefit from if you got your hands on his lessons. (and by the way, it's free).

Writing the sales copy for your eBook can either be made easy, or either be made hard. Take the shortcut easy route... you'll earn money quicker, and you'll keep your sanity. Selling your eBook is more than just product creation. If you can lead a lot of people to your website where they can purchase your ebook, you'll be in good shape due to the awesome copywriting job that you did on the eBook sales page.

Take these tips and use them to earn money with your ebooks today.

Good luck with making money with your eBook sales page today.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

A Personal Story of Making Money With E-Books

How many times have thought about having your own business, but didn't know what to do? Well, I used to be the guy that always had the desire to try something new but didn't know what where to start and what to sell.

And then my life changed. My boss told me that he needed to cut my hours in half because of the bad economy. That's when I decided to supplement my income selling e-books. When I first started I didn't know how easy or how difficult selling e-books would be, but I really didn't have a choice. I needed income and I needed to sell something that I could get my hands on for practically nothing.

I had a few friends who had started their own businesses and all them had to create LLCs and other structures. While I thought that was important, I really didn't have time or the funds to create an entirely new business. I needed something that I could start selling right away.

So, I started looking at resell rights to e-books and jumped right in. I thought long and hair about this, because with a young family at home depending on me, I couldn't fail. I need things to work.

Because I had a decent email list of friends and family, I took advantage of that and sent them an email explaining my situation and telling them that I am selling eBooks and gave them by link.

Within 24 hours, I had my first dozen sales and it was all profit because I didn't even have my website completely set up yet. The start of reselling e-books gave me two very important lessons.

The first lesson is that reselling e-books could be very profitable and that having an email list or building an email list would be essential to continue selling e-books. This is a perfect time to resell e-books because every day thousands and thousands of people are switching over to iPads, Kindles, and other devices where they can read eBooks.

Today, it is super easy to find e-books with resell rights and buy them for relative little price and start making profits right away. It's been over a year now, and I am making nearly double what I was making at my old job and working one-third of the time. What I love about reselling e-books is that I don't have to depend on anyone else for helping me take care of my family.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   

How To Write An eBook To Build Passive Online Income For Years To Come

Writing an eBook can be a daunting experience when you are just getting started with your online business, but it doesn't have to be this way if you know how to begin. This is still the fastest way to create a product and have something to sell on the Internet. Before you get started you'll want to think about choosing an appealing title, setting up your outline, and putting up a blog to start collecting the names and email addresses of your prospects.

You may have heard the saying that a rose is still a rose, but by any other name it wouldn't smell as sweet. This is true for the title of your eBook as well. You want something that is catchy and easy to remember, but also one that has a good keyword phrase in it as well. Do some research using the free keyword tool available from Google, ask friends and business prospects what they think, and go over to Amazon to search for books on your topic. All of these techniques are excellent for choosing a title that will make people want to buy and read what you've written on your topic.

An outline is crucial to the eBook writing process. I learned this the hard way when I tried to just start writing in front of my blank computer screen the first time. Once I learned how to set up an outline with my key points and subtitles, it was simply a matter of filling in the blanks to get it written in less than two weeks. You can do the same exact thing.

I also recommend setting up a WordPress blog to start letting people know about you and your topic long before your eBook is finished and ready to sell. This will give you the exposure you need in the marketplace and allow you to start building a list of people who will be likely to buy when the time is right. Blogging also gives you a platform through which you are able to interact with your audience and to find out their questions and primary concerns on your topic. You may even end up adding to your writing when you find out what your prospects want and need from you in this way.

You can see that there is more to writing and marketing your eBook than you may have originally thought, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

The Advantages of E-Books

E-books have a wide range of advantages over paper books that cannot be ignored. First and foremost, they are far more cheaper to produce and can reach a much wider market than the hard copy books. Forget about the trade barriers! Anyone can get their book into any market without any restriction by the local governments. E-books are much more portable and far less bulky - thousands of books can be stored in a device like an iPad or Kindle.

Save space and Reduce Environment Impact

With space becoming a premium, especially in large cities, people scramble for all the extra space they can get. E-books are the perfect solution to this space issue, and many people have started replacing their entire collection of paper-and-ink books with digital versions. There is no longer any need to cover your walls with endless bookshelves or fill your basement with endless boxes. All you need is just a notebook-like device. It is very portable and easy to use. You can bring thousands of books anywhere you go! This also eliminates the need for paper, which is important with all of today's environmental concerns. Not only you save paper but you also save gas usage; there's no need to use your car or any transportation to go to a bookstore. Just sit and relax at home while browsing for a good book you can buy from the Internet.

Make your e-books readable

It is also extremely easy to manipulate the data in e-books by changing font colours, sizes and styles. Not only does this greatly reduce the cost of printing, it makes it much easier for those who have trouble seeing to read any book they like. No need to go on an endless search for a large-print version of a book, just click a button and resize the text. With the advancement of technology, the text can also be converted to audio with the help of a few different programs. While you can get audio versions of regular books, they are often difficult to find because they require someone to sit down in a recording room and read the book out loud.

No more wear and tear

There are books that you would read more than once and some of your book collection may be borrowed by a friend or relative which causes wear and tear. If you are extra careful with your books, you may also consider wrapping it with a plastic cover to preserve its brand new look. You don't have to worry about any of those with an e-book since it's stored in a device. Your book is always brand new!

Easy search of information

A regular book may have more than a hundred pages and if you want to find certain information you'll have to find it within those pages. Of course, it takes a lot of time, effort and patience. You will have to read through briefly in the pages just to find what you're looking for. With an e-book, just use the 'search' function of your device and in less than a minute you'll have what you need. It definitely saves you a lot of your precious time.

For authors, e-book publishing is fast becoming a popular channel, and it's a must-have for any author wishing to reach the largest possible audience. However, it should never be the only channel for reaching your customers, as the majority of book readers still prefer to use paper printed books.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Writing an eBook - The 5 Most Important Tips for Newbies   

Is an Email List Really Necessary To Succeed As An Online Marketer?

If you want to sell any products online, from e-books to affiliate products you might want to consider developing an email list. When starting out, many people ask themselves why build an email list in the first place? Well, the answer is pretty simple: emails increase sales and sales increases money in your pocket.

It doesn't matter if you are selling e-books or car stereos, building a relevant email list to people who have shown interest in your product, will be essential to conversions. Building an email list helps to establish a "relationship" with people that have already shown interest in what you have to offer. The second important reason is that an email list allows you resell newer e-book products that become available as time goes on. Each product allows you to generate more emails and solidify relationships with people.

Many people wonder how they would resell e-books. The answer again here is developing an email list. Writing an informative and effective email, with a "soft sell" offer embedded and that provides tips or advice on the subject related to your resell books, is one way to effectively increase your sales. It also may serve as a gentle reminder of products that your customers might need.

Aside from growing your email list online with your website and auto-responder, you can also generate and grow your email list off line too. For example, let's say you attend a convention, a seminar, or host a luncheon. You can have a sign up and email form placed on a table. Giving away prizes or freebies can entice people to give up their email for the prize.

Once you do that you can choose a single resell book or several and include them in your email. Reminding the recipient who you are will build instant credibility within your list. Fortunately, there are many great options for reselling books out there, which you can easily get help with that can help you grow your business.

Reselling e-books is fairly easy, because everyone needs content and information to solve their problems. If you provide a solution to people and create value by offering them an informative e-book, you can be sure that your sales will increase and your profits will be impressive. The great thing about resell e-books is that once you buy the rights, you can continue to sell them over and over again and keep all the profit.

Have You Thought Of Creating Your Own Information Products?   Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

Ebook Marketing - A Good Plan For Success

Are you looking to create an ebook and sell it online? Well if you've done your research, you will see that it's harder to do so than what most people claim. Writing the ebook is easy, but marketing and selling it is the tough part. You can write a 100+ page ebook, but if you have no targeted prospects and a lack of traffic coming to your website, you will find that it's very hard to get sales.

In my personal opinion, if you want to see great sales with your ebook, you will have to focus on getting traffic. Traffic (or website traffic) refers to the amount of people visiting your website on a daily basis. Getting traffic can be easy, and it can also be hard... all depending on the niche that you are in.

You see in some niches, there are a lot of places where you can run ads. There is PPC advertising (pay per click), blog advertising, high traffic website advertising, and more. And depending on the niche, you will find that you are either limited in your paid advertising sources, or that you will find an abundance of places to promote your product at online.

Nevertheless, both has its pros and cons. If you're selling an ebook in a small, non-crowded niche, more than likely you will have limited venues to do paid advertising on - but the prices of these venues will be incredibly cheap. You could run an ad for around $30 for the whole month, and get great publicity for your product.

But if you're selling an ebook in a highly-competitive field, you will find that there are a ton of websites related to the ebook that you are selling, and that the advertising prices of these websites and blogs are very costly. Even if you do PPC, you will find that the average cost per click can start at $1 for your main keyword. So it all depends.

You will want to do the marketing homework necessary to promote your ebook online all over the place, and also throw some free marketing into the bunch also. You can get a ton of traffic to your website with a barrage of free marketing tactics, and it will also lower your average cost of acquiring a new customer via paid advertising.

Some of the most effective forms of free marketing are: forums, blogs, search engine optimization, YouTube, article marketing, and social marketing. The more you do free marketing using these tactics, the more traffic you will get, and the more profits you will earn since you didn't have to spend any money to get new sales.

Now free marketing is very effective, but it can take a while until you start to see it evolve into its prime potential. There are some business owners online who do no paid advertising and only do free marketing, and they are making a lot of money online selling their products.

You can do the same also. I would advise doing a mixture of paid advertising and free marketing, so that you can get the best of both worlds. Traffic is key, and with these 2 tactics combined... you can land yourself a ton of targeted traffic that can make your ebook very profitable.

Good luck with marketing your ebooks and selling them online.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

What Is The Thing You Need To Make Money From Information Products?

I'm going to tell you why people don't make money from their information products. Then you'll learn how to make yours a money maker.

Many people online are trying to make money with information products and fail. What's the problem?

Where People Go Wrong

They come up with an idea, offer it for sale and then wonder why loads of people aren't buying it. Why?

The answer is real simple. It's simply because either no-one wants it or very few want it. So the seller creates a wonderful sales letter written in order to convince someone to buy. Still this doesn't work. The reason for this is that if you've got to convince someone they want your product you've already lost the sale. Plus... you're making it hard for yourself.

Think of it this way. If you had an extremely thirsty person in front of you then would you need a long convincing sales letter to get them to want to buy a drink? Of course not. The person ALREADY WANTS A DRINK. No need for convincing.

So make it easy by finding out first what your buyer's ALREADY WANT. No convincing needed. An easy sale.

What Type Of Information Product?

The best will always be a solution. But I've found that what works best is ONE step-by-step solution to ONE specific problem that gives results in a short space of time.

Examples would be 'How To Stop Your Puppy Biting Instantly', Learn To Play Electric Guitar In Just Seven Days', 'Write A High Conversion Sales Letter In 30 Minutes'.

Then the product will simply tell them how to do it in step-by-step fashion. That's what buyers already want.

Can you see why these types of information product titles sell? They are specific solutions to problems that your customer have. They want a quick solution. The quicker and easier it is the more they want it.

So what you need to do is create an information product that has a step-by-step solution. One that will get rid of people's problems very quickly.

I bought a product a long while ago called 'How To Write An Article In 7 Minutes'. I got it because at the time articles were taking me ages to write. It turned out to be a very good product. It worked.

So remember, to make your information product sell go and find out what subjects to create your product about. If you do this then you will make money.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

Selling Digital Products In Your Spare Time

Are you thinking about starting your own online business? Or have you already started your own online business? No matter your situation, you should know that starting a successful online business is a good thing to pursue. Not only does it require little maintenance, but you won't have to worry about a lot of other things that appear in a physical business. This is especially true if you're selling digital products.

What is a "digital product"? Well it's simply a product that can be downloaded after someone makes a purchase online. The most common form of digital products are ebooks, MP3 files, WMV or AVI video files, newsletters, and even podcasts. It's an excellent business model to pursue - only if you know how to market them correctly.

When it comes to selling digital items, you should know that the best item that you can sell is a product that you created yourself. The most basic form of this is an ebook. You can create a 100+ page eBook over the course of a weekend, and have it ready for sale by Monday morning.

When you create your own products, you don't have to go and get a reseller's license, you have an infinite amount of inventory on hand (since it's digital), and you don't need a lot of equipment. The fastest way to create your own eBook is to type it up in a program like Microsoft Word, and then upload it online to a free "PDF converter" site that will turn it into an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.

You can also price your product nicely also. Since you're more than likely a beginner to selling digital products, you will probably want to start off at a low price. Stick to a price of around $19. After you get sales with this $19 product, upsell your customer to a $29 product. After they buy that, upsell them again to a $49 product. After they've bought that, upsell them to a $97 product. This is how all the major gurus are doing it.

In your online business selling digital products, you will want to add an element to your business called a "continuity product". This is basically a product where you charge your customers every month for a product that gets delivered to them automatically. Some of the best continuity models online is a membership site, a CD of the month club, a DVD of the month club, or even an offline newsletter.

You have a lot of options at your disposal, so you don't have to stick with just using one model. Plus, all of these continuity models are incredibly easy to maintain and create. Plus they cost very little to produce. In the case of a membership site, you don't have to produce anything.

Selling digital products is something that you will definitely want to consider using in your business. They're easy to create, and I think it's something that you can handle with no sweat. Start selling digital products today, and you'll be sure to bring in a lot of sales, with very little maintenance.

Good luck with succeeding in your own online business.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Writing an eBook - The 5 Most Important Tips for Newbies   

Kindle eBook Formatting for Quality and Saving Time

Over the past few months, I have been putting together e-books to share my information with the world, and keeping the price rather low so that people will download this information to their e-readers. Although the type of niches and esoteric information that I specialize in is not commonly sought after, there are enough people to make it worth my while. Perhaps you have information you'd like to share with the world, but you have hesitated because it is a time-consuming process to put together an e-book. Let me explain some simple techniques which will help you save time in this process.

First, I recommend that you download some of the Microsoft Templates which are free online, for all of those that have Microsoft Word. If you will look on the "Templates Page" on the Microsoft website, you will see one of the categories is books. If you click on that you will see that people have submitted as part of the Microsoft template community several variations of tables of contents, and templates for e-books. You should download the ones that you feel comfortable in using, and are closest to the format which you hope to use.

If you are putting together many e-books, it makes sense to create a cover page, a title page, and introduction. Also, a table of contents and for the back of your e-book a section about you the author. In doing this you can create a 5 to 8 page template, allowing you to merely place your literary work in the middle once completed. Once you do this and make the cover page you can post it on Kindle or Amazon and sell your e-book for a low-cost so that you can distribute your story, novel, or nonfiction work to the world.

Perhaps you have several short stories; in that case you can list them all on the table of contents and create separate sections for each story in the middle. Having the template in advance will help you save time in putting it together in a professional fashion. You see, there is no reason for you to hesitate putting together your e-book any longer. Over 1 million e-books have already been posted to Kindle and their library is growing. Best of all each month more and more people are buying Kindle e-readers. That means there is more likelihood of your future e-book being picked up by readers of all ages and walks of life. Why not start today? Please consider all this and think on it.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

4 Must Know Tips To Reselling E-Books

Reselling e-books can be a very profitable decision. E-books for resell are extremely profitable because of the plain fact that after recouping the initial purchase price, you are essential making a 100% profit on each purchase. When you add up all the potential sales with those kind of profit margins, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that you will be making quite a bit of profit, very fast and easily.

However, there are a few tips that you should consider when you decide to sell or resell e-books. Now, I will have other a few more recommendations and some freebies of my own to give away at the end of this article, but here are four "must know" tips of reselling e-books.

E-books have great potential for high profits - When you are able to sell and resell e-books because you have purchased the private label rights, you can boost your profits very quickly. When you consider that most retailers, booksellers, have to pay for their books first or at least extend their credit to having their inventory stocked up, having e-books that you can resell eliminates this problem completely. You Can Sell E-books in a variety of effective ways - Whether you wish to employ using social media, article marketing, YouTube marketing, have your own website or any number of ways, you can sell and resell your e-book quickly. I would consider testing out which you feel more comfortable with or use a hybrid combination of many. Many people are finding a tremendous amount of success using Facebook, MySpace, and other social networks to sell their e-books fairly consistently. Developing your email list should be a priority - If you haven't already done so, you must start your own email list right away. Having your very own website is great for building your email list because it allows you to offer something in return for getting your visitor's email. In addition, you provide a "landing page" for visitors to check out your available product. If they are interested, they will sign up. You're job is to send out email reminders, product tips, or even discounts on your products to entice them to buy. Treat your customers like gold - Your customer are the lifeblood of your business. So offer them a couple of freebie bonuses to their purchase! This creates an increased level of "goodwill" that will benefit you in the future. After all, we all want a pat on the back once we purchased something, right? Providing a free bonus (or bonuses) allows you to embed more information about your products or services. Having targeted messaging directly to your customer can provide greater referrals and build credibility.

Selling e-books is a fun and really convenient way to add another income stream to your monthly salary. The great news about e-books is that it's a growing industry, especially with devices like iPad, Nook, and Kindle increasingly being bought.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   Writing an eBook - The 5 Most Important Tips for Newbies   

Too Many Cheaters Online Stealing Content and Selling It in E-Books

As a prolific online article writer, I am very upset that so many folks are so lazy, that they'd attempt to cheat and steal content, rather than do it right. There have been numerous cases where folks had found information in the public domain, compiled it into e-books, and then sold those e-books digitally online. Many of the old works which were scanned by Microsoft and Google and are now public domain, some of them 50 years old or more, have been repackaged and sold on e-book selling platforms.

The other day, I found some e-books that I had produced, and was giving away online at my website, and someone else had converted those PDF files into a format that was then loaded onto one of the most popular e-book selling websites. It still had my name on it, as the author, but of course the copyright was missing, and there was that e-book for sale, although someone else was getting money for it.

There was an interesting article in Fast Company titled; "Unmasking A Digital Pirate On Amazon," by Adam Penenberg published digitally on January 25, 2012.

"A Kuwaiti national using fake names and selling others' copyrighted stories in the Kindle Store sheds light on black hat hacker forums--and the theft, taboo sex, and swindles festering in the recesses of Amazon."

The article talked about how online marketers were discussing the ways to manipulate the system at the Warrior Forum. There were folks who were selling e-books for $20, and then allowing people to put their name on it, change the title, and put it onto Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any of the other e-book websites and sell it in very specific and limited niches.

There was another article recently in the New York Times talking about a similar situation where someone was lifting paragraphs and pieces out of other very popular e-books changing the character names and what have you and reposting them. Obviously that is in violation of copyright law, but one of the biggest challenges with copyright law, or patent law is that it is up to the holder of the copyright or patent to enforce it.

However, with all of this fraud running rampant it's almost impossible to spend all of your time trying to enforce copyright violations and still concentrate on creating new literary works whether it be fiction or nonfiction.

As an online article author, and an author of a good many e-books, I am concerned for other authors who are doing it legitimately, as well as the e-book industry as a whole. The e-books have overtaken the printing industry, and tens of millions of e-readers are sold each month, but it is like the Wild West in the e-book industry.

Eventually the readers of these e-books will no longer trust the system, at that point everyone loses, and the print industry and publishing sector have already been all but destroyed. These cheaters, and lazy online marketers out to scam the public are going to ruin it for everyone. This is very upsetting to me, if you have any questions or comments please shoot me an e-mail, this is a problem we must solve.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

How to Make an Electronic Book: Find Your Writing Mojo

The key to eBook writing is to keep it easy and exciting. If writing feels long and overwhelming, your mind will quickly come up with a cereal box full of excuses not to write! Keep your writing easy. Experience less resistance. Think breakfast smoothie.

To keep the writing of your eBook easy, set yourself up for success. Break the process down in to small bits and only ask yourself to complete one bit at time.

The easiest way to break down your eBook writing process is to set up a structure. Start by listing your eBook topic, a potential title, your name or company name, and the year. Congratulations, you are one page done. You have just created your cover page!

Next, outline your chapters, steps, or sections. Studies have shown that in creating steps or sections, readers connect more with odd numbers, so consider writing three, five, or seven steps. My suggestion is to number a piece of paper one through seven. Then, see how many steps easily tumble out of your head. If you come up with an odd number, no problem! If not, divide one of your bigger steps into two smaller steps, or include a bonus section at the end.

Pause here. Once you have your title page and a list of three to seven steps, call it a day. You're writing brain may not feel taxed, but that is a good thing. You always want to end a writing session with the feeling that you could keep going.

Why? Because, this way your brain will begin to associate writing with energy and enjoyment, instead of exhaustion and boredom. Trust me, you will write more in a shorter period of time if you give yourself frequent breaks, than if you tried to push yourself to write all day.

Now each time you sit back down to write, focus on achieving one small success! For example, in one session simply write down 3 bullet points that you want to address under each step. Then, call it a day.

In your next sessions, you can take one step and flush out each bullet point. Depending on the depth of each bullet point, you may only flush out one bullet point per session.

However, keeping it easy is not enough to see quick results when writing an eBook. You also must make the process exciting. The best way I know how to do this is to set up Calls of Self-Action.

Calls of Self-Action are steps you take to share your project with your audience. When you finish a writing session, take a tip or a question you've been working on and ask your social media audience about it.

For example, you can share your eBook topic and ask for title suggestions. Or, You can give them a small tip and ask them what they find most helpful. You can also take a completely different route and ask them to cheer you on as you write.

Share where you are in the writing process and how it's going. Ask for feedback, suggestions and encouragement. Perhaps, you start a count down and ask others to choose to join you in goal setting. Or, you set up rewards, and ask people to come visit you virtually on certain days to get a taste of what you're writing.

Getting others involved holds you accountable, and keeps the process exciting. It opens the door to questions, conversations and sharing that may not have otherwise happened. When you share what you are doing with others, you are no longer alone in the process. I am always amazed by the intuition of others. I can't tell you the number of times I have received a note of encouragement at the exact moment I was starting to feel fatigue.

To keep up with your calls to self-action, write an action step at the beginning of your writing session. Then, at the end, follow through and complete it! Now, just sit back and enjoy as your writing endorphins dance into action.

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What writing motivation steps do you take to keep your writing mojo flowing?

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

Use E-Books To Increase Your Visibility And Revenue

If you are a struggling author, coach or speaker waiting to get your book approved and published through a regular publishing house, you may be wasting your time waiting. It is not that the hard-copy books are no longer needed or in demand; rather that the sale of e-books has been on the upswing for the last 5 years or so.

Why E-Books Are Preferred To Hard-Copies?

The answer to this one is a no-brainer. People have moved on to smart phones, tablets, mini computers, blackberries, iPhones and so on. All these gadgets support e-book reading and some of them are best used with audio-books. People no longer carry a bestseller with them for those in-between free time; they would rather buy and download an e-book and read it while they commute to-and-fro work place. It is fast, it is easy and it is convenient.

As an author, coach or speaker you need to reach to your target audience in order to be successful. Your books are your voice and only when that voice reaches the audience that you can make any type of impact or hope for any recognition. Have you see the desk of any editor of a leading publishing house?

It is filled with unread manuscripts waiting to be qualified by the editing team. Most of them end up in return post - or if there is none, in the dustbin. It does not mean you are not good if you are rejected by these famous, high-in-demand publishing houses. What it means that there is no time for anyone to indulge you. Editors in publishing house can and do reject manuscripts for the flimsiest reasons.

This is not the case with e-books. With e-books you have the advantage of being able to have people look your work up whenever you want it. All you need is to put up your matter in the form of an e-book and sell it.

E-Books Are The Coolest Things Ever?

Why should you not buy an e-book on the topic you love most? Whether this e-book is to promote your career as an author, coach or speaker, everything is possible in the virtual world. All you need to do is put it on a platform that people see all over the world such as, or The moment you posted these e-books on any of these platforms, you will receive free Internet marketing, free promotions and a lot of revenue.

Now, let us look at the simple math: an e-book costs you next to nothing if you write it yourself or outsource it. Yet, it will bring in revenues again and again and again - creating a long chain of residual income that will enhance your fame, your opt-in list and your revenues.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Writing an eBook - The 5 Most Important Tips for Newbies   

5 Reasons To Publish a Kindle eBook On Amazon

It has never been easier for writers to publish their books than today.

As a writer yourself, all you have to do is visit Amazon's Kindle platform, to easily write and publish your potential bestseller Kindle eBook.

Besides being so easy to use, there are a lot more other reasons that make it worth publishing a Kindle eBook on

1. Publishing your Kindle eBook is easy. You just have to write your book in Microsoft Word or any other word processor and follow the few steps mentioned in Amazon's Help files.

Depending on your skills and the speed of the computer you use, the formatting of your book can be completed in half an hour.

2. It is difficult getting contracts signed with traditional publishers, and also difficult getting your book published through them.

Moreover, with margins dropping in the industry, you have to be careful signing contracts with companies that may soon shut shop.

If you get involved with such a publisher and the company collapses, it may take years before you can actually publish your book elsewhere.

If you publish your Kindle book on, this is not something you will have to worry about. There are no contracts to sign (other than Amazon's Terms of Agreement), and there is no chance of Amazon winding up their operations for many years to come.

3. The greatest benefit of printing eBooks is that people can read them using any digital device, not only a Kindle. As long as you use Amazon's apps, the eBook can be read on iPhones, iPads and your desktop computer.

4. Self-publishing is a profitable venture. While top-selling authors make millions of dollars, you at least have the possibility of making a decent income and the satisfaction that your book is finally published.

Moreover, with Amazon's Kindle sales growing rapidly, and the average income of their customers around $80,000, you can be sure they have enough money to spend on whatever you offer, and thus help you raise your own income levels.

5. Once you are on Amazon's Kindle as an author, your credibility and expert status on your niche improves.

This in turn ensures you do well in your sales, and even plays an important part in branding you as an expert in your niche.

It also helps create a marketing funnel you can use for marketing backend products and services you have to offer or for getting booked for speaking engagements. This, in fact, is one of the major sources of income for self-published authors.

Remember that you don't need a large tome to make it big on Kindle. All you need is to provide useful content to people that need answers to all the questions you can answer.

Once you provide them information they need through an Amazon Kindle ebook, you will be considered an expert they can rely and trust on, even with your future publications.

Amazon's reporting an increase in sales of Kindle books, proves that the eBook market is not dead, but has expanded.

It is because of this huge market for ebooks that many authors today prefer to first self-publish their works instead of opting for traditional print publishing.

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   

A History of E-Books

The last few years have seen exponential growth in the popularity of e-Books. The characteristics of this product have attractive features both to the purchaser and seller. The purchaser is able to access large numbers of titles worldwide which can be immediately downloaded at any time from a variety of devices which have internet access. The seller is able on-line to market his product worldwide and benefits from a global audience which can purchase products 24/7, and which compared to traditional methods of retailing books has minimal overhead costs.

Beginnings In 1971 Michael Hart at the University of Illinois created what was effectively the first e-Book. After typing the United States Declaration of Independence into a computer, he was told it was unacceptable to distribute it to numerous people via email as this would crash the system. Accordingly he made it available for people to download and the first e-Book was created. In the same year he launched a volunteer scheme called Project Gutenberg to create electronic copies of cultural texts which were to be placed in an archive.

In 1985 the Voyager Company was established which published books on CD-ROM's and progressed to "expanded books". Digital Book Inc. in 1993 started selling floppy disks with 50 e-Books in a Digital Book Format (.dbf). Generally speaking earlier e-Books were produced for limited audiences in technical or niche subjects.

E-Books go Mainstream Towards the end of the 1990's there was an increase in the speed of developments. In 1998 the first dedicated e-Book readers were released, including SoftBook, Rocket e-Book and Cybook. The year also saw the first libraries in the US start providing free e-Books to the public via their websites, although at that time they could not be downloaded and usually related to professional, scholarly or technical subjects. These services expanded in 2003 when libraries started offering free downloadable fiction and non-fiction e-Books to the public.

Microsoft in 2000 released the e-Book reading software, Microsoft Reader. It utilised ClearType technology to enable the type to be viewed on smaller devices and was suitable for Windows computers and PocketPCs. In the same year Stephen King released his book 'Riding the Bullet'in digital format only, and which could only be read on a computer. During the initial 24 hours in excess of 400,000 copies were downloaded. The beginning of the decade saw the major publishing houses begin to take an interest, and in 2002 Harper Collins and Random House began offering some of their titles as digital products.

In 2005 was started, enabling the download of free textbooks and travel guide e-Books. The same year Amazon expanded its interest with the purchase of software company Mobipocket, which provided e-Book reading software for portable devices. Amazon in 2007 launched a dedicated e-Book reader called Kindle, which could download e-Books and other digital media over Wi-Fi or the mobile network from the Amazon website. Over 90,000 e-Books were available, including over 100 New York Times bestsellers. in 2008 became the first to sell e-Books for iPhones.

April 2010 saw Apple launch the iPad, which included e-Book reading software iBooks. It also launchediBookstore, a virtual bookstore selling e-Book downloads. During the second quarter of 2010 Amazon announced that its e-Book sales surpassed those of hardcover titles, and also in 2010 Google eBookstore opened with 3 million titles. In May 2011 Amazon announced its e-Book sales now exceed all of its printed book sales.

e-Books have arrived.

Steven Bolton is the founder and owner of, a site that provides ebooks related to improving knowledge and skills. To review the site please visit:

Learning Some Lesser Known Facts About EBook Conversion   Why There Is a Need for Creating Information Products   Avoid The Biggest Mistake Made By The Overwhelming Majority Of Aspiring E-Book Publishers   Write and Cash in on Short Ebooks Now   How to Write an eBook Fast and Not Fail in the Attempt   Writing an eBook - The 5 Most Important Tips for Newbies   

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